Osteopathic Approach to Pudental Neuralgia Evaluation of pain, its emotional impact and functional disorders “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a loyal servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has…
Interest of Myoton Pro in the evaluation of lumbosciatica of disc origin on the biomechanical parameters of tone, elasticity and rigidity. Lumbo-sciatica of disc origin is an important public health problem with significant socio-professional impacts. Cannabis contains several cannabinoids, including…
Treatment of children with ADHD through micronutrition Summary Introduction: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most common psychopathological disorder, as indicated by its prevalence of 3 to 5% in school-aged children (Buitelaar, 2000; Lecendreux, 2009). In 1972, Dr. Feingold observed in…
Micro nutrition and osteopathy in intervertebral disc degeneration. Summary: The cost of low back pain medical care in France is estimated at 2 billion euros. It is a true public health problem with a high cost for society and precariousness…
Evaluation of visceral osteopathic treatment on stabilometric parameters in 10 asymptomatic subjects. “Posture is the meeting point between the individual’s inner universe and the outer universe. It is sustained as it feels inside, but also depending on the external environment…
Article 1: Contralateral effects of neuromuscular fatigue: neurophysiological mechanisms and kinetics of onset Summary Objectives: The objective of this study was to analyze the kinetics of appearance of the neurophysiological mechanisms involved in neuromuscular fatigue in the dominant and non-dominant…
Un potente método de sinergia entre Osteopatía, Posturología, Ergonomía, Micronutrición, Acupunctura, Coaching Físico & Mental. Su objetivo es tratar, prevenir y/o optimizar la salud y el rendimiento.
Un potente método de sinergia entre Osteopatía, Posturología, Ergonomía, Micronutrición, Acupunctura, Coaching Físico & Mental. Su objetivo es tratar, prevenir y/o optimizar la salud y el rendimiento.
El método Probodyone tiene unos objetivos claros: Optimización del rendimiento de los empleados, Aumento de la productividad y Sostenibilidad de la salud.
En algunas ocasiones, un accidente con el coche que por suerte no ha tenido consecuencias graves, puede provocar pese a todo algunas secuelas o efectos secundarios.