•Adapt our ergonomic intervention with the company’s requirements.
•Evaluation under standards.
•The job within the concept.
•Workplace management and ergonomics.
•Prevention of postural and musculoskeletal disorders.
•Performance optimization.
“In the clinical world we have experts for each organ involved in postural control, but these experts study the disease of these organs in isolation: central nervous system, inner ear, eye, bones, joints, muscles, etc.”
Lewis Nashner.
“Scientifically, the only way to understand the behavior of complex multimodal self-adaptive systems such as posture and gait is to study the interactions between the parts of these systems because our body functions as a whole.”
Pierre-Marie Gagey.
Research and intervention methodology:
•We observe and evaluate all global and specific aspects of the situation.
- We consider the human being as a chrono-biological unit where all of his systems interact in time (mechanical, metabolic, physical and mental).
•Depending on the interaction of the systems and the environment where they interact (such as the human-machine-environment interface), we apply our ProBodyOne method.
•This method adapts to the needs or objectives required and previously defined over time (short, medium and long term).
•We apply our method through treatments, consulting, coaching and/or training.
•By improving their well-being at work, your employees will be more productive.
•Your company maintains its attractive level by giving the best image by establishing sustainable and concrete actions for the well-being of its employees.
Synergistic evaluation and INTERVENTION:
•Global and specific evaluation.
•Ergonomic, postural, stretch break and self-adjustment intervention.
•Scientific measurement.
Application of our METHODOLOGY for the technology company:
Analysis and evaluation of jobs in the company concept.
Use of standardized company questionnaires.
Translation and adaptation of the questionnaire to the culture of the country (France, Spain, USA, etc.)
Photos and videos: use of company devices to guarantee the confidentiality of the company, its workers and the workplace.
Use of own measuring device according to the utility, in agreement with the managers:
Bioimpedenciametry: metabolic analysis and distribution of masses (interest in hydration and nutrition)
b-checker: cognitive analysis of fatigue and attention deficit
Myoton: analysis of muscle tone, stiffness, elasticity
Cardiac coherence: heart rate variability measurement software and mental coaching exercises to enhance emotions and prevent burnout.
Short term:
•advice on ergonomic changes and optimization (desk, computer, chair, lighting, sound, footrest, mouse, electromagnetic fields)
•Search for a supplier in the company’s country, adapted to the suggested changes and negotiation of the price of the material with suppliers.
•stretch break
•self-adjustment (selfbodyone) with and without yoga wheel
•Gesture and postural education of economy of gesture (individual sessions at the workplace or in small groups)
•Respiratory education to relax tensions and connect mind and body
•Possibility of sending exercise coaching program by video (exercice pro-live software).
In the medium term:
•evaluation of the first phase
•reinforcement of what was acquired
•We recommend preventive osteopathic follow-up.
Long-term follow-up:
•annual evaluation
•possibility of adding new approaches
•mental optimization
•stop stress program
•metabolic optimization with nutritional program.
Our ergonomic intervention based on the evaluation of your prevention needs will reduce the following aspects:
Problems with colleagues
Conflicts with superiors
Musculoskeletal disorders
More than back pain, MSD, stress… our goal is to improve the well-being of employees, allowing them to become protagonists of their health.
In the short term, to help them, we teach them a method of postural education, stretching and self-adjustments that we have called Selfbodyone.
In the medium term, we propose on-site osteopathic monitoring at the workplace to balance the biomechanical aspect and individual advice, which also facilitates subsequent group work.
Associated in the long term, we can propose a nutritional and mental coaching program to act on metabolic and emotional levels in performance and work prevention.
Wada and Sunaga demonstrated in 2001 the influence of anxiety on the interaction between the visual and vestibular sensors.
Ohno and Wada demonstrated in 2004 that anxiety causes instability in postural control and that it is eliminated with eyes closed.
Consequently, anxiety affects visual information in the control and performance of postural regulation.
«Emotions have a crucial role in the phenomena of sensorimotor plasticity in the healthy subject and in cases of pathology» (Damasio).
Self-adjustment method derived from osteopathic manipulation, therapeutic yoga, postural stretching and meditation, created by Fabrice Lefèvre.
Annual intervention plan:
•an initial evaluation session called “Session 0” that includes the on-site evaluation, plus the writing of a report with advice and recommendations on the changes and optimization of the different jobs; Searching for suppliers and negotiating prices for the necessary material. It also includes the preparation of the postural stretching program, gestural education and self-adjustments.
•8 intervention sessions: the ergonomic management and the stretching and individual and group postural education program will be implemented.
First and second intervention:
•We recommend that the first intervention be carried out one week after the initial evaluation, to allow the strategy for ergonomic changes and optimization to be developed and to set up the specific gestural and postural education program.
•The second intervention should be done a maximum of one month later, to allow verification of the acquisition and implementation of the changes and the gestural and postural strategy taught in the first intervention.
•To facilitate the acquisition of the program, one person in the group can record the group or individual exercise session at each workstation.
•We recommend that from the third intervention and subsequent sessions be carried out within a period of 30 to 60 days. Generally, we intervene 45 days after the second intervention.
•Effective time on site: 9 hours.
Osteopathic monitoring and prevention:
•Starting from the second session, we recommend additional preventive osteopathic treatment to balance on a biomechanical level with osteopathic manipulations to each employee who wishes it. A day will be carried out apart from the ergonomic intervention and a cost will depend on the number of workers and the level in the company.
•Interest: knowing each employee personally, recommending exercises based on their imbalances and facilitating group cohesion.
•Balance, relieve and prevent effectively and directly with osteopathic manipulation any type of vertebral, joint and muscular dysfunction.
The present professional services will be subject at all times to the tax regulations in force in each country, and especially to the indirect taxation of France and/or Spain.
The time interval between each intervention is based on 20 years of experience regarding the time employees need to acquire the routine of the programs we propose.
By focusing on prevention and the sustainable well-being of its employees, the company sends a positive message, loud and clear.