Fabrice Lefèvre CEO&Founder: a professional path towards excellence and results.
Fabrice Lefèvre is an expert in osteopathy, rehabilitation, nutrition , posturology, acupuncture and ergonomia, and directs three important Institutes in Barcelona, France and Colombia as Director and Founder of Fabrice Lefèvre Institute.The services offered by Fabrice Lefèvre in his institutes bring together important factors to achieve excellence: a holistic vision and understanding of the human body, a multidisciplinary academic training, more than twenty years of professional experience and the best cutting-edge technology in health and aesthetics. In the programs and treatments that he has developed, he first seeks action at the biomechanical level (with osteopathic manipulation), tissue (soft tissue treatment with LPG medical), and cellular (ionic and cellular balance with INDIBA radiofrequency). The union of these treatments, adding physical, mental and nutritional coaching, and advice on changing the interaction between the person and their environment (epigenetics), converge in personalized, comprehensive and proactive care in the search for the sustainability of the health, performance and beauty.
We seek to be the best in osteopathy in the main cities of Spain: Barcelona, Madrid and Marbella, combining technology and knowledge. To become the best in Osteopathy, Fabrice Lefèvre has a long journey and continues to promote intensive training at Probodyone.
Discover Fabrice Lefèvre full professional background
Already from his first formative stage, Fabrice Lefèvre guided his treatment with osteo-articular manipulations and the treatment of the muscular chains. This led him to carry out a study, in collaboration with Professor Pilardeau of the Faculty of Medicine of Paris, on the biomechanical changes from the quadrupedal position of our ancestors towards the current bipedal position, and the consequences in microtrauma of sports (sports syndrome). Lucy).
Shortly after he discovered a natural manual medicine of excellence: osteopathy. At the same time science, art, philosophy and therapy, osteopathic medicine puts into clinical practice what scientific research has so many difficulties in demonstrating at the fundamental level: the relationships between structure, function and psychosomatics.
The high-level training you received at the Belgian College of Osteopathic Medicine in Brussels and at the European School of Osteopathy in Maidstone in England, responded to the three quality criteria I was looking for: scientific rigor, mastering all osteopathic manipulations and receiving training in the English tradition, a historical reference for world osteopathic medicine. The deep knowledge of it, efficiency, safety and variety of osteopathic manipulations was acquired by him from the best international osteopaths (English, American, Belgian and French). . His osteopathy thesis was A prospective longitudinal clinical study on the osteopathic treatment of pudendal nerve compression. He performed it in collaboration with international specialists in this disease such as Dr. Eric Bautrant, surgeon from Aix-en-Provence (France), and Dr. Marc Sorel, head of the pain clinic service. For this study he received the first prize for research in osteopathic medicine. Span >
Osteopathy is at the same time a science, an art, a philosophy and a therapeutic path.
Subsequently, already practicing his activity as a health professional, he expanded his knowledge with several university degrees from French medical schools (Toulouse, Paris and Besançon), specializing in sports and health, biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system and movement, sports nutrition, nutritherapy and nutraceuticals. These specializations allowed him to acquire extensive experience in the field of public health in both prevention and cure. Likewise, it was an opportunity to improve interprofessional communication and coordinate different members of the medical staff related to movement during national and European sporting events.
In order to expand his knowledge of postural analysis, he studied research methods in the field of posturo-kinetic activities (posture, movement, locomotion, balance), their dysfunctions, the instrumental tests that allow them to be quantified, as well as the methods of readaptation capable of correcting them. He obtained his university degree as a posturologist and his clinical research study was rewarded within the Posturology Research Laboratory of the University of Tolosa under the direction of Dr. Philippe Dupui (neurologist and professor at the university) and Richard Montoya (researcher- teacher and university professor). In this study, he demonstrated the impact of visceral functional disorders on human posture and the possibility of improving them with visceral osteopathic manipulations quantified by stabilometry.
Aware of the importance of research for the evaluation of good clinical practices, he undertook a bachelor’s degree in science at the Faculty of Sciences of Poitiers, where he showed interest in associating osteopathy with micronutrition in the treatment of degenerative discopathies. He continued with a master of science degree specializing in micronutrition and clinical studies in public health. He investigated with a retrospective epidemiological study the consequences of dietary overexposure to phosphate additives in 276 children suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorders. They were able to confirm certain hypotheses to help clinical diagnosis, improve psycho-behavioral, social and nutritional monitoring. In addition, the design of a micronutrient formulation was created to help treat the functional disorders inherent to ADHD.
She then began a second master’s degree in human movement sciences, sports science, specializing in exercise physiology at the Research Center of Excellence of the Universities of Nice, Montpellier and Marseille. He worked for a year with Dr. Colson (university professor), head of the Master of Re-Athletics at the University of Nice and French specialist on the neurophysiological mechanisms involved in fatigue, and more specifically in the «cross-over theory effect» of neuro-muscular fatigue.
After many years of research, she has developed an intervention methodology in the field, close to workers in different work areas, to prevent injuries and optimize performance. Its hypothesis and analysis model is to consider that the optimization of the human being, both at a mechanical, metabolic, physical and mental level, together with an optimized interaction with its environment, distances the individual from the area of injury and disease. The benefits are enormous, both at the level of the workers, as it confers physical and mental well-being, and at the companies, in terms of expenses for professional sick leave, hiring and additional training of new personnel…